Course Name
Voices of African Women
Course Description
This course critically examines African women's daily-lived experiences. It explores the impact of global, historic, economic, and political forces, such as colonialism, neocolonialism, and current globalization impacts on their lives. This course studies the challenges of universalizing Western feminism, as a panacea to Africa women's problems. Using African eyes through African voices in texts, novels films photograph and living history, African women will be studies as knowing subject, social actors, and change agents but not as universal victims. Differences between women on the basis of class, ethnicity, religion, age sexuality, rural/urban residence, levels of education and marital status will be examined. The course will explore the rich diversity of African cultures, peoples, and natural resources. It will answer such important question as Why are African women portrayed as the poorest of the poor, victims of their cultures, traditions and African male sexism?
Subject Abbreviation
Women's Studies