UMD Earth Week event will include work from Climate Change Storytelling Project

Photo of Duluth harbor during fall.
Publication Date

Earth Week Tabling Takeover

March 27, 10am-2pm

UMD Kirby Commons

Duluth, Minn. (3/27/2024) — To honor Earth Week, the Motion + Media Across Disciplines (MMAD) Lab and UMD Sustainability Office will showcase videos from its Climate Change Storytelling project, which started a year ago on Earth Day and has resulted in numerous videos, public speaking engagements, community visioning sessions and art work. The project was funded by the U of M and is created to engage new audiences through storytelling utilizing cutting edge technology.  

More information can be found on the
project website.

During UMD’s Earth Week celebrations the MMAD Lab will showcase the videos from the project at UMD Kirby Commons. The event — on Wednesday, March 27, between 10am and 2pm — is free and open to the public.
About the Climate Change Storytelling Project:

Funded by the U of M Sustainable Development Goals Research Grant, the Climate Change Storytelling project was conducted by the UMD MMAD Lab in collaboration with the UMD Sustainability Office. As part of the project, The MMAD Lab has collected and shared stories to increase awareness of climate change and action with videos, public speaking engagements, community visioning sessions and art work. The work included:

Videos — Over a dozen videos having conversations and telling stories about people’s experiences with climate change. 

Public Speaking Engagements and Projects — The project leaders Lisa Fitzpatrick and Jonna Korpi presented at the Midwest Climate Resilience Conference and Our Climate Futures Conference at UMD. The MMAD Lab also displayed an educational exhibit by the Museum of Solar Energy during the summer of 2023.

Community Visioning Sessions — Community members, including children came together at different events and locations to discuss and draw pictures of their vision of climate resiliency in our area. The events and locations included: First Robotics Duluth Regional and Juneteenth event, Pike Lake Elementary School, Peace Church Youth Group and Harbor City International School and UMD Art Department.

Artwork — Different groups of artists and art organizations have been mobilized to create artwork under the theme of climate change. These include: commissioned ceramic artwork “Anthropocene” by Charis Blacklock, graphic design students creating climate action posters, participation in an international climate change quilt project. The quilt squares created as part of this project will be displayed in Vancouver, Canada in May. This quilt project was led by UMD art professor Alison Aune.